Summary of Objective Implementation Status
Phase one of the educational outreach plan included creation of the Home Resilience Guide, a comprehensive digest to educate homeowners on improvements that can be made for a more energy efficient, safe, comfortable, and resilient home. The guide includes information on energy efficient technologies, water saving features, and ways to protects homes from wildfires and earthquakes. The digital guidebook is available in both English and Spanish. A printed guidebook featuring both languages is in production. The content of the guidebook has been broken out into individual campaigns based on technologies or concepts. These campaigns will begin rollout in December 2022 with a ramp up in January 2023 as to not compete with holidays.
Homeowner workshop series are conducted quarterly basis. Each series features six workshops with a variety of topics related to energy efficiency, electrification, solar energy and storage, and structural hardening. Attendance for these workshops has been robust with over 1,000 registered attendees since January 1, 2022. All workshops have been conducted virtually. In January 2023, the series will expand to include two in-person workshops with one presented in English and the second in Spanish.
An Induction Cooking Expo was held on September 24, 2022 and had nearly 250 attendees. The educational event highlighted the concept of switching from gas to electric cooking.
Key Milestone Update
Develop and create multi-channel outreach effort which includes the update of the Climate Action and Resiliency Website to feature educational materials. This effort includes the creation of the Home Resilience Guide which outlines improvements that can be made and will dictate the informational rollout of the campaigns.
Educational workshops featuring information on structural resiliency and energy efficiency are conducted on a quarterly basis.
Coordination and Partnership Update
Efforts continue on coordination on unified messaging with external partners including; BayREN, Sonoma Clean Power, RCPA.
Community, Equity, and Climate Update
In addition to the outreach efforts listed above, a special consideration is taken when developing our outreach plan to the Latino community. We have contracted with a third party consultant that is very closely aligned with the community to advise on most effective methods of outreach. Outreach efforts have included event participation, radio and social media interviews, long with materials developed in Spanish.
In regards to meeting climate objectives, the educational materials provided focus on electrification at home as a tool in overall greenhouse gas emissions.
Funding Narrative
Current funding for this effort is sufficient for this phase of implementation and is supplemented by existing contracts with BayREN Single Family program to provide staffing time.
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Suite 104A.Santa Rosa, CA 95403
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Mon – Fri: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm