Climate Action and Resiliency

Make Sonoma County carbon neutral by 2030.

Goal 1, Objective 3

Leverage grant funding to support a sustainable vegetation management program.
In-Progress 20%

Updated: January 2023

Summary of Objective Implementation Status

Previously identified federal and state grants have been formally obtained (totaling over $67 million). Further levering of these grants and PG&E Settlement funds to support sustainable vegetation management will greatly increase in 2023. Staff and partners have been focused on ensuring all vegetation management efforts are coordinated and that there is greater awareness of these efforts throughout the community. Members of the vegetation management technical advisory committee will present recommendations for on-going vegetation management efforts to the Board in January. Among these recommendations is the creation of a technical advisory committee focused on on-going funding needs. As funding gaps are identified, we will greatly increase our efforts to leverage grant funding to support a sustainable vegetation management program.

Key Milestone Update

    • FEMA Grants obtained (approximate total project budget for all grants = $66mil)
      • Planning grant for multijurisdiction hazard mitigation plan (project completed in Aug 2022)
      • Planning grant for community wildfire protection plan (will be completed Apr 2023)
      • Wildfire adapted Sonoma County Pts 1 and 2 (Phase 1 will be completed by Aug 2023)
      • Sonoma County Hazardous Fuels project (Phase 1 will be completed by Nov 2023)
      • Wildfire Resilient Sonoma County (BRIC) (award expected by Dec 2022; 18 month Phase 1 project period)

    In addition to significant existing grant funds as outlined above, the technical advisory committees will identify specific funding needs to meet vegetation management goals. Staff will use this information to identify gaps in funding and develop fund raising strategies and goal amounts. Beginning in 2023, we will begin to track our success in filling in the gaps in funding and will identify a recommendation for a long-term funding approach.

Coordination and Partnership Update

The vegetation management technical advisory committee, which includes Ag + Open Space, Permit Sonoma, Regional Parks, Climate Action and Resilience Division, UCCE, fire agencies, Sonoma and Gold Ridge Resource Conservation Districts, Sonoma Ecology Center, Pepperwood Foundation, Fire Forward, and Fire Safe Sonoma, meets regularly to advance coordinated vegetation management efforts.

Community, Equity, and Climate Update

All future leverage efforts will be pursued to further equitable community needs that help us be more resilient to climate change and fire.

Funding Narrative

Current funding needs are met by the PG&E settlement funds, FEMA Hazard Mitigation grants, and BRIC grant. We are recommending formation of a technical advisory committee to address future, on-going funding needs.