Summary of objective implementation status
Of the 898 County light duty vehicles, 94 of them have been converted to zero-emissions – 11% total. Replacement vehicles received during FY23-24 included the Ford F150 Lightning, Ford E-Transit, Ford Escape Plug-In, Toyota RAV4 Prime, and Toyota Prius Prime. For FY24-25, 37 vehicles are due for replacement. Of the 37 vehicles due for replacement, Fleet projects up to 11% (4) of these vehicles will be replaced with zero-emission options. These replacements will be purchased through Fleet’s Accumulated Capital Outlay account, which is funded through Fleet’s replacement program that collects monthly payments from County Departments for future vehicle purchases. Fleet anticipates delays in adopting zero-emission vehicles needed to meet the 2026 deadline, largely due to a recent shift in the auto industry toward hybrid technology over EVs. This shift has slowed the introduction of new EV models to the market. While most models presented in the last SP update remain available, there has been little progress in launching new EVs in the 7+ seat and large truck categories, which attribute to a large chunk of annual replacements. If new plug-in EV models are introduced in 2025, we may be able to make greater progress toward reaching the 30% target as more vehicle makes and models are made available, and infrastructure continues to grow. The objective is now expected to be achieved by 2028.
Total Fleet
Total EVs
Percentage of Fleet
Baseline (July 1, 2021)
July 1, 2022
July 1, 2023
July 1, 2024
Projection End 24-25
Key milestone update
- Conduct first phase of fleet electrification assessment with Green Light Labs to inform Fleet Electrification Report
- Hire a Program Manager and Senior Office Assistant to provide bandwidth for refueling and charging infrastructure
- Department choosing to postpone additional positions until further notice.
- Conduct second phase of fleet electrification study with Green Light Labs to inform Fleet Transition Plan
- Green Light Labs has exited from the fleet consulting space, forcing the original consultant to take a position at EV Re-Fleet (EVRF). As such, Fleet is now using EVRF, to conduct the second phase of the fleet electrification study, due to the consultant’s familiarity with the original report and analysis. Completed November 2023.
- Implement workplace EV Awareness/Education campaign
- Electric Vehicle Training for Fleet employees, Department Fleet Coordinators, and County employees interested in EVs was performed in December 2022. Training was a two-part web-based course, each an hour long (45 mins + 15 mins of Q&A). Training intended to provide a basic understanding of electric vehicles.
- Create new vehicle request forms to offer opportunities for departments to choose EVs
- Vehicle request forms capturing EV options have been in use since FY 21-22 vehicle replacement period.
- As usage cases allow, create vehicle bid specifications that capture EVs
- This is a continuous process. As vehicle usage cases allow, EVs are highly considered in the creation of bid specifications.
Coordination and partnership update
Fleet has engaged all County Departments with the strong desire to convert the County’s fleet to zero-emission vehicles during each annual vehicle replacement period. County Departments must provide justification why an electric vehicle or other zero-emission vehicle will not meet their usage case for each vehicle being replaced.
Notable coordination and partnerships include:
- Regional Parks – Fleet, in partnership with Regional Parks, has received funding for EV charging infrastructure expansion. Most notable, the project “ARC in Parks”, funded through the Climate Action and Resiliency Fund, will place twelve (12) EV ARCs in multiple parks around the County. This expansion will help Regional Parks further convert their carbon emitting vehicles with electric vehicles, which they are already actively executing. Three (3) are currently operational at Ragle Ranch Park, Taylor Mountain Park, and North Sonoma Mountain Park.
- Sheriff’s Office – Fleet, in partnership with the Sheriff’s Office, has received funding for EV charging infrastructure expansion. The project “Electrifying Patrol”, funded through the Climate Action and Resiliency Fund, will place multiple Level 2 and 3 chargers at the Sheriff’s Office main location. This will support administrative law enforcement vehicles immediately and newer Patrol vehicles expected to become available soon. The significance of this project will allow the pilot of two (2) police pursuit rated EVs, the very first in their fleet. The project is currently in design and engineering, but has stalled due to power limitations at the site that will not provide adequate power to support first response operations. Options to increase power are being explored, as are alternate sites.
- Human Services – Fleet, in partnership with Human Services, has committed to expanding some of their existing EV charging sites and prospecting new locations. They have also committed to incorporating new EVs each replacement cycle.
- ISD – Fleet, in partnership with ISD, has committed to installing new EV charging infrastructure at two of their locations. They have purchased and placed into service two EV cargo vans to replace their aging gas cargo vans, and more as they become due.
- Climate Action and Resiliency Division – Fleet and the Climate Action and Resiliency Division frequently collaborate on new opportunities, ideas, and grants. Recently, they jointly applied for and were conditionally awarded $791,200 in Congressional Appropriations through U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Additionally, they are awaiting acceptance and final approval for a $1,575,000 grant from the California Energy Commission’s Charging Infrastructure for Government Fleets program. A proposal was submitted to the U.S. Department of Transportation for the Charging and Fueling Infrastructure Grant Program.
- Energy and Sustainability Division – Fleet and the Energy and Sustainability Division, frequently coordinate on new opportunities and ideas.
- Regional Climate Protection Agency (RCPA) – Fleet and the RCPA, meet on a quarterly basis with other local governments to discuss EV related items, including EV charging infrastructure expansion, vehicle adoption, funding opportunities, general progress, and challenges.
Community, equity and climate update
Fleet anticipates a press release with the Sheriff’s Office when the operation of two (2) police pursuit rated EVs goes live. The vehicles hope to highlight the greener side of the County’s law enforcement fleet and would be showcased in practical application and at events.
Objective funding
Replacement vehicles are funded through monthly lease contributions made into the Fleet Accumulated Capital Outlay fund. When a department’s vehicle reaches its replacement date, these funds are utilized to replace the vehicle with a zero-emission vehicle, where feasible and where usage cases will allow.