Climate Action and Resiliency

Make Sonoma County carbon neutral by 2030.

Goal 4, Objective 3

Upgrade the existing County-owned Electric Vehicle charging station infrastructure by 2023.
On Track 15%

Updated: January 2023

Summary of Objective Implementation Status

Fleet is currently working with a consultant from Electric Vehicle Re-Fleet (EVRF) to complete the second phase of the fleet electrification study and is in the process of data collection for the study.  The report is anticipated to be complete by the end of fiscal year 2023.  As the study is being performed, Fleet is still moving forward with replacing existing EV charging stations that are out of order and continuing to expand EV charging stations requested by County Departments.  The current challenge to upgrades and expansion have been delayed shipments due to extended lead times for EV charging hardware.

FY 2021-2022 (Baseline):

  • Total EV Charging Stations / Ports:  44 / 84
    • Active (Functional):  35 / 66
    • Out of Service (Non-Functional):  9 / 18

FY 2022-2023 (Current):

  • Total EV Charging Stations / Ports:  47 / 90
    • Active (Functional):  38 / 72
    • Out of Service (Non-Functional):  9 / 18
    • Progress:  9% / 9%
    • Pending Installations:  12 / 23

Key Milestone Update

  • Conduct first phase of fleet electrification assessment with Green Light Labs to inform Fleet Electrification Report
    • Completed April 2021
  • Hire a Program Manager and Senior Office Assistant to provide bandwidth for refueling and charging infrastructure
    • Department choosing to postpone additional positions
  • Conduct second phase of fleet electrification study with Green Light Labs to inform Fleet Transition Plan
    • Green Light Labs has exited from the fleet consulting space, forcing the original consultant to take a position at EV Re-Fleet (EVRF).  As such, Fleet is now using EVRF, to conduct the second phase of the fleet electrification study, due to the consultant’s familiarity with the original report and analysis.  Fleet is currently in the data collection process of the study and is anticipated to have a completed report by the end of the fiscal year.
  • Implement EV charging infrastructure informed by Green Light Labs reports
    • Fleet is currently using EVRF as a substitution for Green Light Labs.  Once the report is received, it will be reviewed to help inform the implementation of additional EV charging infrastructure.
  • Maintain refueling and charging infrastructure.  This includes servicing and repairing existing infrastructure and informing the implementation of new infrastructure.
    • Shipments delays due to extended lead times for EV charging hardware has been a challenge for Fleet.  There are currently nine (9) out of service (non-functional) stations, hosting eighteen (18) ports that are all unrepairable, and will be replaced as soon as hardware is received.
    • Fleet has continued to help County Departments with EV charging infrastructure expansion and implementation by providing the hardware, ongoing maintenance and management, and general guidance.
  • Seek and apply for new funding sources and opportunities
    • Fleet has assisted Departments with funding opportunities to support larger EV charging infrastructure projects.  Notable projects include, “ARCs for Parks” and “Electrifying Patrol”.

Coordination and Partnership Update

Fleet is committed to assisting all County Departments in expanding and upgrading EV charging infrastructure.  Fleet, at no cost, will supply County Departments desiring to add charging infrastructure and willing to pay for the costs of installation with the EV charging hardware, assistance in maintaining the infrastructure, oversee the operations, and paying for the ongoing network service subscriptions.

Notable coordination and partnerships include:

  • Regional Parks – Fleet, in partnership with Regional Parks, has received funding for EV charging infrastructure expansion.  Most notable, the project “ARC in Parks”, funded through the Climate Action and Resiliency Fund, will place twelve (12) EV ARCs in multiple parks around the County.
  • Sheriff’s Office – Fleet, in partnership with the Sheriff’s Office, has received funding for EV charging infrastructure expansion.  The project “Electrifying Patrol”, funded through the Climate Action and Resiliency Fund, will place multiple Level 2 and 3 chargers at the Sheriff’s Office main location.  This will support administrative law enforcement vehicles immediately and newer Patrol vehicles expected to become available soon.
  • Human Services – Fleet, in partnership with Human Services, has committed to expanding of their existing EV charging sites and prospecting new locations.
  • ISD – Fleet, in partnership with ISD, has committed to installing new EV charging infrastructure at two of their locations.
  • Sonoma Clean Power – Fleet in coordination and partnership with Sonoma Clean Power has committed to sponsoring a number of Regional Park sites by offsetting the cost for EV charging equipment for the “ARCs in Parks” project.
  • Real Estate Division – Fleet has coordinated with the Real Estate Division to help progress EV charging infrastructure expansion by opening discussions with landlords and property managers related to the matter during their lease renewals and creations.
  • Climate Action Division – Fleet and the Climate Action Division, frequently coordinate on new opportunities and ideas.
  • Energy and Sustainability Division – Fleet and the Energy and Sustainability Division, frequently coordinate on new opportunities and ideas.
  • Regional Climate Protection Agency (RCPA) – Fleet and the RCPA, meet on a quarterly basis with other local governments to discuss EV related items, including EV charging infrastructure expansion, vehicle adoption, funding opportunities, general progress, and challenges.

Community, Equity, and Climate Update

    Fleet and Regional Parks anticipates a Public Service Announcement to highlight the availability of new EV chargers for public use once “ARCs in Parks” is complete.  Upon successful demonstration, Fleet and Regional Parks hopes to engage the public in future placement of additional ARCs and/or EV charging infrastructure.

Funding Narrative

Fleet continues to actively seek potential funding opportunities inside and outside of the County to help build and maintain EV infrastructure.

Outside funding has been a challenge due to the minimum qualifications on grants that the County cannot meet where EV charging infrastructure is needed.  Currently, Fleet has a letter of interest in funding through the Metropolitan Transportation Commission, exploring the PG&E EV Fleet Program, and investigating the Bay Area Air Quality Management District’s Charge! Program grant.  Additional funding opportunities are to be made available soon, but applicability will be subject to the County meeting those qualifications.  Partnerships with other agencies have been key to help encourage outside funding.

Outside funding received:

  • Sonoma Clean Power
    • Approximately $150,000 in hardware will be provided to the “ARCs in Parks” project.

Outside funding anticipated:

  • To be Determined Public-Private Partnership
    • Estimated $2.5M in hardware and construction is expected to be saved, upon successful RFP of the “EV Park and Charge” project.

Internal funding received:

  • Year 1 Strategic Plan Implementation Fund –
    • $200,000 approved.  Funds allocated to support three areas:  EV consulting costs, repair/maintenance of existing charging stations, and purchase of new charging stations.
  • Climate Action and Resiliency Fund –
    • $941,760 approved.  Funds will be utilized for the “ARCs in Parks” project.  This is 80% of the $1,027,200 funding requested.  The gap will need to be covered by another source, preferably from outside.
    • $685,000 approved.  Funds will be utilized for the “Electrifying Patrol” project.
    • $100,000 approved.  Funds will be utilized for the “EV Park and Charge” project.

Internal funding requested:

  • Year 2 Strategic Plan Implementation Fund –
    • $432,000 requested.  Funds allocated to support three areas:  EV consulting costs, repair/maintenance of existing charging stations, and purchase of new charging stations.