Healthy and Safe Communities

Provide quality and equitable housing, health, and human services for all.

Goal 3, Objective 1

Rezone 59 unincorporated urban sites suitable for housing development, increasing density allowance from 354 units to 2,975 units, and partner with developers and the community to break ground on as many sites as possible by 2026.

On Track 66%

Updated: January 2023

Summary of Objective Implementation Status

In order to rezone up to 59 unincorporated sites for housing development and increase density from 354 units to up to 2,975 units, the Board of Supervisors will need to take two actions: adopt an updated Housing Element of the Sonoma County General Plan, and certify its Environmental Impact Report.  Staff has published a draft Housing Element on November 10, 2022, and expects to publish a draft Environmental Impact Report in December 2022. Staff continues community, Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors engagement to ensure a robust public participation process. The Board of Supervisors is scheduled to consider adoption and certification in April 2023.

Key Milestone Update

  • A Housing Advisory Committee was created in December 2021 and have met regularly throughout the process
  • Staff completed a Board of Supervisors workshop on the Housing Element in August 2022
  • A draft Housing Element was published in November 2022
  • A draft Environmental Impact Report is expected to be published in December 2022

Coordination and Partnership Update

All Sonoma and Napa County jurisdictions have been meeting regularly in 2022 to ensure coordination and partnership as each Bay Area jurisdictions looks to update its Housing Elements and housing sites inventory. Additionally, internal County coordination continues with Sonoma County’s Community Development Commission to break ground on as many sites as possible by 2026.

Community, Equity, and Climate Update



Number of Participants

2018 –2019

Request for public input on sites for housing

42 individual email responses for site nomination

December 2021 to February 2022 

Stakeholder Interviews

5 participants

December 30, 2021

Housing Element Kick-Off Workshop at Planning Agency

Open to public (virtual)

December 2021 to May 2022 

Housing Advisory Committee (HAC)

4 meetings with stakeholders 20 participants

January 10 to February 14 2022

Sonoma County Housing Needs and Opportunities Survey in English and Spanish

1,929 responses in English

81 responses in Spanish

January to April 2022 

Focus Groups

8 Community Based Organizations

February 12 and 15 2022 

Public Workshops

140 participants

March 1 – 29 2022 

Sonoma County Housing Preferences Survey in English and Spanish

1,599 responses in English

94 responses – Spanish

April 21 2022

Planning Commission Workshop

Open to public (virtual)

May 2022

Developer Input Survey

4 responses

July 26 2022

Sonoma County Housing Policy Survey

2,767 responses

Aug 9 2022

Board of Supervisors Public Workshop

Open to public (virtual)

Nov 17 2022

Planning Commission Public Workshop

Open to public (virtual)


Funding Narrative

Staff continues to leverage already-secured State funds from the state’s Housing and Community Development LEAP fund to complete work on time and on budget.