Healthy and Safe Communities

Provide quality and equitable housing, health, and human services for all.

Goal 4, Objective 1

Conduct a peer review of neighboring counties, other agencies, and successful models in other states to identify best practices for preventing and reducing homelessness through various housing options and supportive service models.
Completed 100%

Updated: January 2023

Summary of Objective Implementation Status

The objective to conduct a peer review of neighboring counties and other agencies, in order to assess the status of homelessness services in Sonoma County, has been met.  The deliverable of the Assessment of Housing and Homeless Services and Programs report by KPMG was received, reviewed, and analyzed. Several recommendations were implemented including the reorganization of homeless services.

Key Milestone Update

By April 2021, Sonoma County received an assessment report conducted by KPMG, entitled “Improving Integration & Outcomes to Benefit County Residents: Assessment of Housing & Homeless Services & Program.”  In this report, a number of peer reviews were conducted, and a list of best practices that were adopted in other counties was included in its recommendations.

Coordination and Partnership Update

  • One of the recommendations was to adopt a regional model to tackling the persistent problem of homelessness.
  • The Department of Health Services (DHS) adopted this recommendation and together with the Community Development Commission (CDC) began coordinating a joint municipal and County strategic plan with the City of Santa Rosa to achieve a zero-functional homelessness.
  • A draft document of this municipal-County strategic plan is now being reviewed by County administrators.

Community, Equity, and Climate Update

Bimonthly meetings that include County Supervisors have been scheduled for community-based discussions on:

  1. homeless encampments
  2. homelessness services like safe parking
  3. housing inventory available to accommodate the unsheltered.

Funding Narrative

Funding to cover the cost of the consulting engagement was approved by the Board of Supervisors and disbursed to KPMG.  No further expenses are expected after the completion of this project.