Organizational Excellence

Be an innovative, effective, engaged, and transparent organization focused on quality programs and services.

Goal 1, Objective 5

Align procurement and grant guidelines with strategic priorities and racial equity principles.
On Track 15%

Updated: January 2023

Summary of Objective Implementation Status

The County is engaging an outside consultant to conduct a comprehensive review of the county’s procurement process. On November 8, 2022, the Board approved an Agreement for Procurement Assessment Services with Civic Initiatives LLC.

The end goal of this project is to provide a prioritized list of projects and an associated implementation schedule for Sonoma County to develop procurement and discretionary grant award programs that support the County’s strategic goal pillars of Climate Action & Resiliency and Racial Equity & Social Justice. The project list will include best practice recommendations for increasing opportunities for local suppliers, green purchasing, minority and women-owned contracting, and collaborative procurement with local cities and special districts.

Key Milestone Update

  • Confirm funding for professional services agreement: COMPLETED — $250,000 confirmed
  • Identify public entities interested in participating: COMPLETED – County Administrator sent email to City Managers in March 2022
  • Present RFP to Board of Supervisors for acceptance: COMPLETED – Approved on consent on 11/8/22
  • Award Professional Services Agreement: COMPLETED – Notice of intent to award was sent to proposers on 10/25/22; contract awarded to Civic Initiatives
  • Facilitate and coordinate with consultant and partner entities: IN PROGRESS – Kick-off meeting anticipated to be scheduled for January 2023
  • Collect feedback from community stakeholders: NOT STARTED – Feb-March2023
  • Review and Finalize Consultant report: NOT STARTED – June 2023 (tentative); this date was originally scheduled for February 2022 per the implementation plan, but the date has changed to reflect the overall timeline changes for this project.
  • Present Review and Recommendations to the Board of Supervisors: NOT STARTED – July 2023 (tentative); the implementation plan anticipated that this would occur in Spring 2023.

Coordination and Partnership Update

The County has preliminarily informed local cities about this effort. The County will solicit further input from cities in the project’s discovery phase in February-March 2023 (tentative).

Community, Equity, and Climate Update

The Office of Equity participated in the Procurement Assessment consultant selection process and will continue to be a stakeholder in this project, along with the Climate Resiliency County Administrator’s Office Division.

Funding Narrative

This project is fully funded.