Organizational Excellence

Be an innovative, effective, engaged, and transparent organization focused on quality programs and services.

Goal 1, Objective 6

Develop training and staffing structures that effectively support disaster services work and emergency operations, particularly for large-scale and ongoing events.
On Track 66%

Updated: January 2023

Summary of Objective Implementation Status

The Emergency Staff Development program includes identification of staff positions/roles, selection of required and suggested initial/sustainment training, and integration with the County’s Learning Management System (LMS).  This goal implements the Board of Supervisor’s directive to utilize up to 1% of all County staff time to ensure that staff are prepared to serve as Disaster Service Workers.  The program currently supports delivery and tracking of training for staff assigned to the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) and staff are workign to integrate training and exercise delivery for other disaster roles including departmental staff assigned to Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) functions, Department Operations Centers (DOCs), mass care & shelter operations, damage assessment, and Local Assistance Center managers.   

Key Milestone Update

Pilot offerings via Learning Management System (LMS)


EOC team trainings (Operations, Planning, Logistics)


EOC software (WebEOC) training for County staff and cities


Shelter management training for County staff and cities


Offer DSW Awareness Training Course to all County staff


Assess and define KSAs for key DSW assignments

In progress

Conduct Earthquake scenario EOC functional exercise

Scheduled January 2023*

Assess training participation 

In progress

Develop courses for COOP, LAC, and damage assessment

In progress 

Develop multi-year training and exercise calendar

In progress

Revise Emergency Staff Development Program Framework

3Q 2023

Expand training opportunities to cities

1Q 2023

 *The EOC Earthquake functional exercise was postponed until January 2023 in order to support a large earthquake tabletop exercise for local water agencies in December 2022. 

Coordination and Partnership Update

DEM has begun work with cities and some special districts to develop a common core DSW training and exercise program that will promote unity of effort across the Operational Area as well as realize cost-savings in training program management. 

Community, Equity, and Climate Update

Staff have begun to integrate key elements of the County’s pilot Cultural Competency in Emergency Management course into EOC courses. 

Funding Narrative

The program is supported via ongoing DEM operating budget and ongoing HR LMS contracted services.  DEM has contracted for some development of training courses that benefit from enhanced video presentation.  Existing DEM staff are providing program management and oversight.