Organizational Excellence

Be an innovative, effective, engaged, and transparent organization focused on quality programs and services.

Goal 2, Objective 1

Conduct a community satisfaction survey to identify baseline expectations.
In Progress 30%

Updated: January 2023

Summary of Objective Implementation Status

A request for qualifications has been issued in September 2022. Eight proposals were received. These proposals were evaluated to build a list of qualified consultants. The County identified two finalists. On October 18, 2022 Community Survey ad hoc was established to interview the top consultants. As a result of these interviews, the Community Survey Ad Hoc Committee recommended selecting EMC Research. On December 12, 2022, the Board approved the Ad Hoc Committee recommendation and selected EMC Research  to prepare and conduct a statistically significant community survey that will gather resident feedback and measure satisfaction with County services, quality of life, and other information to help the County better understand the community’s priorities, concerns and needs. EMC Research’s scope of work will include: designing the survey questionnaire, executing the survey, and producing and presenting survey results.  It is expected that the survey questionnaire design will take place in January and the survey will be administered in February 2023. Survey results will be collected by the end of February and presented to the Board of Supervisors by mid-April 2023. This new timeline differs from the one presented at the February 2022 BOS meeting and was reviewed to ensure that survey implementation does not coincide with distracting events such as: summer break, winter holidays or election season. Staff will work with the Communication Division to implement a marketing plan to promote survey participation.

Key Milestone Update

  • Development of the RFP and vendor selection:
    • A request for qualifications was issued in September 2022. Eight proposals were received and have been evaluated. Two highly qualified vendors were identified. EMC Research was selected for this project.
  • Design of the survey and sampling plan:
    • Survey design will take place in January 2023.
  • The Survey is scheduled to be administered in February 2023, with responses being finalized in March 2023.  The delay in the community survey will not significantly impact the timeline outlined for Objective 2-2.  However, there is a delay from the original timeline presented to the Board.
  • Once available, survey results and learnings will be fully taken into account in the community engagement and outreach strategy as identified by Organizational Excellence Objective 2-2
  • Presentation of the survey results
    • Survey results will be presented to the Board of Supervisors early April 2023.

Coordination and Partnership Update

Departments have shared the questionnaires and results of previous surveys conducted on specific topics and services. These results will be reviewed and used to inspire and inform the community survey questionnaire.

Community, Equity, and Climate Update

The Office of Equity reviewed and provided feedback on the community survey RFQ scope. In addition, an Office of Equity staff participated in the statements of qualifications evaluation. The Climate and Resiliency Division provided input on the RFQ scope and timeline. Both entities will have the opportunity to provide additional input on the questionnaire template. In addition, staff in collaboration with EMC Research will apply the racial equity tool to every phase of this project.

Funding Narrative

This objective secured $150,000 in Year 1 Strategic Plan funding. Staff entered into contract with EMC Research for an all-inclusive Community survey project in the amount of $40,140. The remaining budget, $109,860 will be set aside to support the next community surveys which are anticipated to take place in 2025 and 2027.