Organizational Excellence

Be an innovative, effective, engaged, and transparent organization focused on quality programs and services.

Goal 3, Objective 1

Implement programs and identify opportunities to support employee work-life balance and a positive work environment, including a Telework Policy.

In Progress 20%

Updated: January 2023

Summary of Objective Implementation Status

The County continues to work to implement programs and identify opportunities to support employee work-life balance and a positive work culture. In May, 2022, the Board of Supervisors approved a Telework Policy.

Human Resources researched telework policies and best practices including reviewing other telework policies adopted by some California counties.  Input was received from the County Administrator and Department Heads. HR met and conferred with the County’s employee labor organizations and amended the policy based on labor representatives’ input.

The Policy is a direct objective that will provide work schedule options to support a positive work environment and work-life balance for many County positions.

HR also plans to conduct an employee engagement survey in 2024 which will solicit additional information from employees that will be used to identify other opportunities to continue to support this objective.

Key Milestone Update

  • Complete Implementation of Countywide Telework Policy – Completed May 5, 2022
  • Identify and communicate currently available training curriculum – Workforce Development is currently developing a curriculum and marketing strategy which is targeted for release in June, 2023
  • Incorporate questions related to work-life balance and work environment in employee engagement survey (OE 3-2) – Survey postponed to  April, 2024 – as a result, all other activities below have been pushed out.
  • Begin Evaluating Survey results –July, 2024
  • Outreach to outside agencies/jurisdictions – September, 2024
  • Establish Working Group to begin reviewing data – December, 2024
  • Evaluate data and identify potential options for consideration – June, 2025
  • Communicate/Advertise County programs and commitment to work/life balance and positive work culture in recruitment /marketing materials and internally. – September, 2025

Coordination and Partnership Update

Intersection with Organizational Excellence Objective 3.2 – (Conduct an employee engagement survey by mid-2022, and based on survey data, develop and implement strategies to incorporate survey outcomes into future operational planning.) This survey will include questions about work life balance and solicit employee suggestions. – Employee survey date moved to June, 2024.

Community, Equity, and Climate Update

Telework helps to support the County’s strategic objective of reducing greenhouse gases.

Funding Narrative

Funding addressed in Organizational Excellence Objective 3.2.