Organizational Excellence

Be an innovative, effective, engaged, and transparent organization focused on quality programs and services.

Goal 4, Objective 1

Secure a total of $60 million in grant funding by 2026 for strategic priorities, including technology tools, climate resiliency, and other capital projects.
In Progress

Updated: January 2023

Summary of Objective Implementation Status

Meaningful progress has been made in obtaining grant funding for Strategic Plan objectives.  During 2022, the County was awarded $28.55 million in grant funding for eight projects that align with the Climate Action and Resiliency (CAR), Healthy Safe Communities (HSC), and Resilient Infrastructure (RI) Strategic Plan Pillars.  This represents a 48% accomplishment towards the $60 million goal established for this Objective.

ProjectSource AmountAward / Receive DateDepartmentSP Obj.
Local Agency Technical Assistance GrantState          499,500November- 2022Economic DevelopmentRI 4-1
Enhance Broadband Availability and AdoptionFederal       3,000,000December-2021Economic DevelopmentRI 4-1
Access Coordinated Care and Empowering Self-SufficiencyFederal       1,600,000September-2022Health ServicesHSC 1-2
Project Homekey Round 2 – Multi-family HousingState       6,300,000July-2022Community DevelopmentHSC 3-2
Hazard Mitigation Grants Phase 1 (HMGP)Federal1,300,000May-2021Permit SonomaCAR 1-2
Wildfire Resilient Grants (BRIC)Federal 5,700,000December-2022Permit SonomaCAR 1-2
Electric Vehicle Charging StationsLocal                 150,000March – 2022Public InfrastructureCAR 4-3
Climate Resilient Land StrategyFederal              10,000,000September-2022County AdministratorCAR 5-2

While there has been substantial progress from a dollar-award perspective, there have been some delays in implementing the major activities originally defined in the Objective Implementation Plan.  Information to specifically address these delays is reflected below in the key milestone section.  To address these delays and to broadly increase attention towards grant-seeking efforts, the County Administrator’s office (CAO) has dedicated staff to implement a new County Grant Program (Program).  The Program was developed to proactively pursue grant opportunities to enable the County to achieve Strategic Plan objectives, as well as other major priorities benefiting county residents.  CAO staff began working in November 2022 to implement a collaborative coordinating structure with key departments to share knowledge, build grant capacity, and create systems to support Program goals.  The Program will also deploy data collection methods designed to maximize grant-seeking opportunities, tracking, and performance.  The Board of Supervisors will receive regular reporting on progress towards obtaining grant funding.

Key Milestone Update

The following table reflects the status and timeline of major milestones identified in the Objective Implementation Plan.  The delays experienced are not expected to have a negative impact on overall Objective outcomes.  Progress on ongoing activities will be reflected in future reporting.

MilestoneDue DateStatus
Develop list of Strategic Plan funding needsFeb/Mar 2022In progress
Develop list of shovel ready projectsOngoing thru 2026In progress
Identify funding priorities within Legislative PlatformSummer 2022In progress
Maintain list of funding partnershipsOngoing thru 2026Upcoming
Develop funding plansOngoing thru 2026Upcoming
Implement funding plansOngoing thru 2026Upcoming
Track and report funding plan progressOngoing thru 2026Upcoming

Coordination and Partnership Update

The Objective Implementation Plan outlined specific intersections with Climate Action and Resiliency 1-3, and Resilient Infrastructure 4-1 and 4-2, the status of which is reflected in the grant summary table attached.  The other coordination efforts discussed in the Implementation Plan will be incorporated as a part of the new County Grant Program.

Community, Equity, and Climate Update

By aligning funding with the Strategic Plan, the values and principles of the plan will be upheld.  Equity is a core component of the strategic plan, and as such will be included and considered in all funding decisions.

A specific example of efforts as it relates to grants is the work being undertaken by Permit Sonoma’s effort to establish an Equity Working Committee (Committee).  The Committee was established in December 2022 and is comprised of 20 community members selected to provide diverse perspective, representing communities of color, socio-economic diversity, people with disabilities, and geographic representation.  Through a lens of lived experiences, the Committee will help shape policy and grant-seeking efforts relating to environmental justice and risk reduction planning for wildfire and other hazards affecting Sonoma County.

Funding Narrative

There is sufficient funding within the CAO’s operational budget to support this Objective.