Enhance services to the community by investing in County facilities and infrastructure; including roads, buildings, communications, and flood protection.
Summary of Objective Implementation Status
TPW has three active projects which meet the objective of investing $5 million by 2024 for new pedestrian and bicycle facilities:
Road Assessment Guideline created in 2019 includes provisions for bike lanes and pedestrians considerations in the inspection, assessment and repair of roadways.
Key Milestone Update
The measurement metric for the three capital projects will be an approved construction contract award from the Board and the completion of the bike lanes and sidewalks.
Coordination and Partnership Update
Community, Equity, and Climate Update
The capital projects are distributed around Sonoma County in the east, north and central portions of the County creating geographic equity of services. The design phase of these projects includes public engagement through public meetings and other community outreach efforts.
The capital projects are expected to provide the following benefits to their communities:
By adding to the existing network of bicycle and pedestrian pathways, TPW is creating a more expansive transportation grid for county residents and visitors. For lower income populations, bicycle and pedestrian routes offer a viable alternative to owning and operating a passenger vehicle, In addition, for the community at large safe bicycle and pedestrian facilities, provide a variety of advantages including reduction of carbon emissions and health benefits associated with regular exercise.
The road maintenance guidelines and resulting activities will benefit all communities in Sonoma County, creating geographic equity of services and providing viable alternate modes of transportation.
Funding Narrative
Funding for pedestrian and bicycle facilities comes from multiple sources including:
Arnold Drive Bike Lanes
The project cost is estimated at $4 million and includes tree removal, environmental permitting for lengthening drainage structures, stormwater treatment, right-of-way acquisition and utility relocation. SCTA’s Measure M one-time funding in the amount of $2,350,000 is programmed and Climate Resiliency funding of $500,000 was just secured. We are looking for the remaining $1,150,000 in future Federal funding or SCTA’s future Go Sonoma program or other funding sources for construction funds in 2024.
Mark West Springs Sidewalk
Project cost is estimated at $3.4Mand including $1M of one-time Measure M funds through a cooperative funding agreement with SCTA, $1.9M of PG&E Tier 2 Settlement funds, and reprogramming of $450K of District 4’s PPP funds. Any additional costs will be funded with TPW’s annual allocation of SB1 funding.
Crocker Road Bridge Sidewalk Addition
The estimated project cost of $4 Million includes one-time Federal Bridge funding and local match of 11.47% in the amount of $458,800. Funding for this local match will come from traditional Roads funding sources including allocations from State Highway Users Tax Account (HUTA) and Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Act (SB1).
Road Maintenance Guidelines require no additional funding for this on-going policy.
County Administration Building
565 Administration Drive
Suite 104A.Santa Rosa, CA 95403
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Mon – Fri: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm