Resilient Infrastructure​

Enhance services to the community by investing in County facilities and infrastructure; including roads, buildings, communications, and flood protection.

Goal 5, Objective 1

Develop partnerships with cities, tribal governments, and private organizations regarding flood protection and sustainability to identify gaps and address climate change impacts.

In Progress

Updated: January 2023

Summary of Objective Implementation Status

Sonoma Water will manage the workload for this objective. They have identified funding for staff who will support the objective and other flood-related priorities, and funding for a contractor who will implement the following activities:

  1. Develop an action plan for implementing recommendations identified in current flood risk management assessment;
  2. Integrate local agencies that maintain levees and flood control structures into the overall emergency response organization;
  3. Develop a comprehensive flood response and recovery plan for the operational area, including:
    1. Clarifying roles and responsibilities,
    2. Establishing framework for response coordination, information sharing, and community engagement,
    3. Ensuring equity considerations are factored into all planning, response, and recovery elements,
    4. Developing recovery strategies to guide post-flooding activities.

Key Milestone Update

Funding was procured for staff and contractor costs. The recruitment process for a contractor is underway.

Coordination and Partnership Update

Sonoma Water is taking a lead role in this objective due to their expertise in flood control.

Community, Equity, and Climate Update

The most current climate change models will be incorporated into the research efforts to inform recommendations from local agencies.

Funding Narrative

The Board of Supervisors allocated $275k from the Climate Resilience Fund for Sonoma Water’s work plan.