Organizational Excellence

Be an innovative, effective, engaged, and transparent organization focused on quality programs and services.

Goal 1, Objective 3

Establish expectations and performance measures for customer service for all County departments.

Updated: January 2023

Summary of Objective Implementation Status

Implementation of this goal is currently delayed pending completion of the community satisfaction survey (OE-2.1).   Once the survey is complete work will proceed on this objective.

Key Milestone Update

Project was to begin with completion of the community satisfaction survey (OE-2.1) to receive data to inform the creation of standards and metrics.  The original target date to review findings was July 2022; now anticipated in 2023. 

Coordination and Partnership Update


Community, Equity, and Climate Update

Awaiting community input from the survey.  Equity will be included in development and implementation of standards and metrics. 

Funding Narrative

No additional funding is needed for the initial phase.  Staff will consider whether a consultant is needed to assist in development of metrics as well as potential costs around data collection or training.  If necessary, staff will look to identify available funding sources.