Climate Action and Resiliency

Make Sonoma County carbon neutral by 2030.

Goal 5, Objective 1

By 2025, update the County General Plan and other county/special district planning documents to incorporate policy language and identify areas within the County that have the potential to maximize carbon sequestration and provide opportunities for climate change adaptation. The focus of these actions will be to increase overall landscape and species resiliency, reduce the risk of fire and floods, and address sea level rise and biodiversity loss.
On Track

Updated: January 2023

Summary of Objective Implementation Status

For this objective, the Climate Action and Resiliency Division received funding through the Strategic Plan Fund in February 2022 to complete a carbon sequestration study. This effort is expected to include both a quantitative estimate of the existing ecosystem carbon stored in Sonoma County’s land base, as well as projections and estimates of the carbon sequestration potential of the County based on carbon impacts from vegetation change, wild and prescribed fires, agricultural processes, and other land use activities. It will also provide insight into impacts on carbon storage from recent wildfires. The Climate Action and Resiliency Division, in partnership with Ag + Open Space, Permit Sonoma, Sonoma Water, and the Regional Climate Protection Authority, plans to release the RFP for the study in early January of 2023. 

Key Milestone Update

The completion of the milestones identified for this objective is dependent on the data and results of the carbon sequestration study. There are no updates to report on progress towards milestones at this time. 

Coordination and Partnership Update

A monthly workgroup between project partners has been created to work through the draft RFP and coordinate key planning elements for this objective.

Upon completion of the carbon sequestration study and interpretation of data, Ag + Open Space, Sonoma Water and Permit Sonoma will work collaboratively towards milestone identified in the Implementation Plan. They plan to identify priority efforts and synergistic overlaps in existing projects and programs that are currently being developed to achieve some early implementation results.

Community, Equity, and Climate Update

As aforementioned, the completion of the milestones identified for this objective is dependent on the data and results of the carbon sequestration study. Public engagement would occur as an integral part of planning for specific projects or programs. This work has not yet started

Funding Narrative

The  Climate Action and Resiliency Division received $500,000 from the Strategic Plan fund to complete the carbon sequestration study as well as an ongoing GHG inventory. The GHG inventory is budgeted to cost $142,330, leaving $357,670 for the carbon sequestration study. Once again, the Climate Action and Resiliency Division is planning to release the RFP for the study in early January.