Support carbon-eliminating microgrid technology in communities and energy grid resilience to reduce the impact of power loss during power shutdowns and natural disasters (floods, fires, earthquakes) through education and legislative advocacy, prioritizing critical infrastructure and vulnerable populations.
Summary of objective implementation status
In August of 2023, the Board delegated authority to the Director of Public Infrastructure to enter into a construction contract for phase I of a comprehensive energy upgrades project to county facilities. Phase I of this project is to be completed exclusively on the Santa Rosa Veterans Memorial Hall (SRVH) and includes the commissioning of a 110.7-kilowatt Solar Electric System as well as a 220-kilowatt hour Battery Energy Storage System. This effective microgrid is designed to support the SRVH as a heating/cooling center and emergency shelter for the community and adds a key resiliency feature to the facility. Construction began on this collection of energy upgrades at the SRVH in early 2024 and is expected to be fully complete and commissioned by late Q1 2025.
Phase II of the Comprehensive Energy Project to be completed on county facilities includes the installation of a 2.1-megawatt solar electric system and a 1,927-kilowatt hour Battery Energy Storage System to be sited on the county campus, as well as the installation of a 516-kilowatt hour Battery Energy Storage System at the Los Guillicos campus, designed to support the existing 1.3 megawatts of previously installed photovoltaics. Although these projects do not include battery backup functionality to serve in the case of a power outage, this is a sizable and impactful step towards decarbonization through renewables, representing over 200,000 pounds of carbon dioxide saved annually, and contributes dramatically to grid resiliency by curtailing traffic onto the grid during peak usage hours.
This second phase of the comprehensive energy projects to be completed on county facilities was approved and funded through a certificate of participation by your Board in September of 2024. Construction planning is currently underway, and the renewables/storage portion of this project are expected to be complete and commissioned by Q3 of 2026.
Energy and Sustainability continues to play an active role in the evolving policy discussions on Community Microgrids at the state level. By collaborating with the Local Government Sustainable Energy Coalition, Sonoma County contributes insights and input toward shaping policies and regulations for Community Microgrids. This work has grown increasingly complex over time, reflecting the intricacies of energy sustainability and resiliency planning.
The County continues to pursue funding relevant to microgrid project planning, specifically through the California Governor’s Office of Planning and Research, as well as the Department of Energy’s Office of Clean Energy Demonstration. Funding opportunities available and being considered primarily target rural, and underserved communities.
The County has expanded access to microgrids and related technology by purchasing mobile Autonomous Renewable Chargers (ARCs), with plans to acquire at several more. These units are designed primarily for EV charging but can also be deployed during emergencies as mobile power stations. They will provide essential power at central locations, including in disadvantaged neighborhoods, for charging phones, laptops, and other household items. This program is funded by both a Congressional Appropriation and Board of Supervisors-directed Climate Resiliency Funds.
Key milestone update
Coordination and partnership update
The County, as the Utility’s Local Government Partner in Sonoma County, has engaged with the Utility’s Community Microgrid Enablement Program and Microgrid Incentive Program, though involvement has been somewhat limited as the programs have been rolled out. These initiatives provide an opportunity for the County to offer design and financial support to entities pursuing the installation of community microgrids, through incentives that help cover project engineering and development costs.
Community, equity and climate update
The microgrid installation at the Santa Rosa Veterans Memorial Hall (SRVH) enables the facility to function as a heating and cooling center and emergency shelter. This addition enhances the site’s ability to serve as a safe space for the community during emergencies, especially in extreme weather events or power outages.
The acquisition of mobile Autonomous Renewable Chargers (ARCs) extends clean, mobile energy access into disadvantaged neighborhoods. These mobile units can be used during emergencies to charge phones, laptops, and essential electronics, providing much-needed support in areas that may face prolonged outages or have limited access to reliable power sources.
County Administration Building
565 Administration Drive
Suite 104A.Santa Rosa, CA 95403
Google Maps™ Directions
Mon – Fri: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm