Healthy and Safe Communities

Provide quality and equitable housing, health, and human services for all.

Goal 1, Objective 3

Create a “no wrong door” approach where clients who need services across multiple departments and programs are able to access the array of services needed regardless of where they enter the system.
On Track 20%

Updated: January 2024

Summary of Objective Implementation Status

In 2023, a cross-departmental steering committee was established to inventory entry point safety net services. Guidance in creating the inventory was sought from the Safety Net Collaboration group of department heads.

A graphic design consultant was contracted to develop a No Wrong Door draft brochure and webpage. A focus group was held to determine client preference around naming conventions and organization of services.

Key Milestone Update


Develop printed No Wrong Door brochure of county safety net services: 40% complete

Develop No Wrong Door webpage on county website: 20% complete

Staff Training:

In order to launch a successful No Wrong Door campaign that acts as a referencing resource for staff and truly lives on, client intake staff need to receive regular trainings and reminder on No Wrong Door.  The vision is to create 2-3 minute training videos annually on the diverse array of safety net services.  Videos will be required for review by key staff and available on the SoCo Higher Ed training platform. This element of the project will be further developed once the above mentioned products are complete.

Coordination and Partnership Update

The No Wrong Door project is being spearheaded by the Human Services Department with collaboration from safety net departments including: Department of Health Services, Probation, Department of Child Support Services, Sonoma County Community Development Commission, and the District Attorney’s Office.

Community, Equity, and Climate Update

The products of the No Wrong Door piece will be translated into key languages necessary to reach the diverse populations of Sonoma County.  Marketing of the brochure and landing page will be done across multiple channels and in multiple languages to grow awareness across racial, ethnic and socio-economic lines.

Funding Narrative

Total funding of $350,000 was allocated in Year 1 for the No Wrong Door initiative.  $14,000 was paid to the graphic design consultant to develop a draft No Wrong Door brochure and webpage.