Summary of Objective Implementation Status
To support effective Anti-Racist Results-Based Accountability (AR-RBA) implementation and data collection of common outcome measures across the Safety Net Departments, the County adopted the Clear Impact Scorecard, an online data dashboard to transparently share program and community-level data and to support Departments contracting with CBOs to standardize data collection and reporting, improve contract performance, and measure progress over time. The Scorecard is active and is currently being used to collect data for the contracts using RBA and AR-RBA. As part of this goal, four key metrics were identified for reporting purposes:
After an initial period of data collection, these metrics were refined and updated to better reflect the purpose of 2.2. and align with the Healthy & Safe Communities pillar. The updated metrics are:
Key Milestone Update
The Sonoma County Scorecard was originally built to share data reflecting the Safety Net Departments’ contracted work. In response to an increase in Safety Net contracts using RBA and AR-RBA and the adoption of AR-RBA to support the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Community Resilience Programs (CRP), the Scorecard has been expanded. The ARPA CRP Scorecard was launched October 24, 2023. The anticipated launch date for the Sonoma County Scorecard, which continues to reflect the work of the Safety Net Departments, is January 2024. Over the last fiscal year, Upstream Investments staff has trained contract managers to enter data directly into the Clear Impact Scorecard.
Number of contracts submitting quarterly data through Apricot on time (based on Q3 of 2021 – 22)
Coordination and Partnership Update
The Human Services Department is leading both 2.1 and 2.2 which are complementary efforts. 2.1 establishes the AR-RBA framework and 2.2 produces the Dashboard to monitor progress. As noted in the summary, all American Rescue Plan Act Community Resilience Programs grantees have developed performance measures using the AR-RBA framework and are reporting and publishing their data on the Clear Impact Scorecard.
Community, Equity and Climate Update
Working with the Office of Equity, we have universally adopted the use of Anti-Racist RBA to be used across all contracts, including all contracts funded under the American Rescue Plan Act Community Resilience Programs.
Funding Narrative
No funding is needed for ongoing costs related to the Scorecard subscription fee. These costs are currently being covered by the Human Services Department and American Rescue Plan Act.
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