Healthy and Safe Communities

Provide quality and equitable housing, health, and human services for all.

Goal 4, Objective 3

Increase investment in programs that treat underlying causes of homelessness, including substance abuse, mental illness, poverty, and lack of affordable housing.
On Track 60%

Updated: January 2024

Summary of Objective Implementation Status

In alignment with this objective and with the 2023-2027 Homelessness Strategic Plan, our focus during Calendar Year 2023 has been as follows:

  1. Increase the number units of Permanent Supportive Housing in the Sonoma County region.
  2. Utilize new state funding sources, such as Behavioral Health Bridge Housing (BHBH), to increase the supply of residential treatment beds locally.
  3. Improve the supportive services system at the County as well as with our homeless service providers.
  4. Increase geographic equity, such that each portion of the county has the correct level of emergency shelter and street outreach (most permanent housing – such as PSH or rapid-rehousing, is not allocated geographically).

Key Milestone Update

  • Petaluma opens Studios at Montero (60 units of PSH) in July 2023
  • Rohnert Park opens Labath Landing (60 units of interim housing) in October 2023
  • Healdsburg opens the L&M Village (22 units of interim housing) in October 2023
  • Santa Rosa and Catholic Charities opens Caritas Homes (64 units of housing, with 30 of the 64 reserved for the chronically homeless) – August 2023
  • Santa Rosa and Catholic Charities opens Caritas Center (over 200 units of interim housing) – September 2023
  • Elderberry Commons starts its transition from Interim Housing to Permanent Supportive Housing – 28 units – estimated completion mid-2024
  • Sonoma County BHBH Plan submitted by DHS to State (Fall 2023). County secures lease of facility in SW Santa Rosa (440 Arrowwood).
  • Revised Local Homelessness Services NOFA for FY 24-25 set for release in mid-December 2023 that focuses on permanent housing, strengthening supportive services, and operating as one coordinated system of care.

Coordination and Partnership Update

The DHS Team continues to collaborate with service providers, cities, and persons with lived experience in homelessness in the above activities.

Community, Equity and Climate Update


Funding Narrative 

This objective’s activities have received funding from local, State, and Federal sources, not specifically funding from Strategic Plan implementation avenues.