Summary of objective implementation status (achievements or progress over last year; significant delays or issues, etc.)
In May 2022, the Board of Supervisors approved a scope of work for a proposed procurement assessment. Staff issued a Request for Proposal (RFP) in July 2022, and Civic Initiatives LLC was awarded a contract at the November 8, 2022 Board meeting.
A current state assessment was completed in June 2023 and a draft needs assessment report was presented to the Board on October 17, 2023. Project recommendations are tentatively expected to go to the Board in March 2024.
Key milestone update (include relevant metrics, if applicable)
Coordination and partnership update
The County has preliminarily informed local cities about this effort. However, initial project priorities will likely be focused on the County’s internal procurement processes. To the degree that individual projects involve other jurisdictions and County partners, they will be engaged to provide input.
Community, equity and climate update
No updates for calendar year 2023.
Funding narrative (If this objective received Strategic Plan funding in year 1 or year 2, please provide a status of expenditures to date.)
This project is fully funded and will be fully expended upon completion of the contractors’ deliverables in spring 2024.
County Administration Building
565 Administration Drive
Suite 104A.Santa Rosa, CA 95403
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Mon – Fri: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm